Wednesday, February 24, 2010

February Post Card Challenge: Things You Love

Week 2 - Simple Designs

Still thinking about the things I love (specifically regarding my hobby) made me realise just how much I like a simple design that can be repeated over and over. I came across this design recently, and it is very easy to use...

Week 1 -Monograms

I was thinking about this month's challenge, and of course the first thing I wanted to say was color.. I absolutely love using lots of color in my projects. But so many people would say the same thing, so I decided to come up with something a little more unique to me. One thing I love to use when I am making cards is monograms. So this month each time I made a birthday card I used a monogram of the name for whom the card was for. Here are a few of the cards that I made this month...

Friday, January 8, 2010

January Post Card Challenge: Bird / Yellow

Week 4

Yes, I know this is gross, but I just HAD to... this one's for you Leah!

Week 3
Just had to use some humor...

Week 2

Week 1